Source code for adanet.core.estimator

"""An AdaNet estimator implementation in Tensorflow using a single graph.

Copyright 2018 The AdaNet Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import contextlib
import errno
import json
import os
import time

from absl import logging
from adanet import tf_compat
from adanet.core.architecture import _Architecture
from adanet.core.candidate import _CandidateBuilder
from adanet.core.ensemble_builder import _EnsembleBuilder
from adanet.core.ensemble_builder import _SubnetworkManager
from adanet.core.iteration import _IterationBuilder
from adanet.core.report_accessor import _ReportAccessor
from adanet.core.summary import _ScopedSummary
from adanet.core.summary import _TPUScopedSummary
from adanet.core.timer import _CountDownTimer
from adanet.distributed import ReplicationStrategy
from adanet.distributed.devices import monkey_patch_default_variable_placement_strategy
from adanet.ensemble import ComplexityRegularizedEnsembler
from adanet.ensemble import GrowStrategy
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import numpy as np
import six
import tensorflow as tf

class _StopAfterTrainingHook(tf_compat.SessionRunHook):
  """Hook that requests stop once iteration is over."""

  def __init__(self, iteration, after_fn):
    """Initializes a `_StopAfterTrainingHook`.

      iteration: An `_Iteration` instance.
      after_fn: A function to call after training stopped.

      A `_StopAfterTrainingHook` instance.

    self._iteration = iteration
    self._after_fn = after_fn

  def before_run(self, run_context):
    """See `SessionRunHook`."""

    del run_context  # Unused
    return tf.train.SessionRunArgs(self._iteration.is_over_fn())

  def after_run(self, run_context, run_values):
    """See `SessionRunHook`."""

    is_over = run_values.results
    if not is_over:

class _EvalMetricSaverHook(tf_compat.SessionRunHook):
  """A hook for writing candidate evaluation metrics as summaries to disk."""

  def __init__(self, name, kind, eval_metrics, output_dir):
    """Initializes a `_EvalMetricSaverHook` instance.

      name: String name of candidate owner of these metrics.
      kind: The kind of candidate that the metrics belong to (e.g. subnetwork).
      eval_metrics: Tuple of (metric_fn, tensors) which returns a dict of metric
        results keyed by name. The values of the dict are the results of calling
        a metric function, namely a `(metric_tensor, update_op)` tuple.
        `metric_tensor` should be evaluated without any impact on state
        (typically is a pure computation based on variables.). For example, it
        should not trigger the `update_op` or require any input fetching.
      output_dir: Directory for writing evaluation summaries.

      An `_EvalMetricSaverHook` instance.

    self._name = name
    self._kind = kind
    self._eval_metrics = eval_metrics
    self._output_dir = output_dir

  def begin(self):
    """See `SessionRunHook`."""

    # The metric_fn is called with tf.placeholders to simply read the value of
    # the metric variables. The metrics themselves are computed as a result of
    # being returned in the EstimatorSpec by _adanet_model_fn.
    metric_fn, tensors = self._eval_metrics
    tensors = [tf.placeholder(t.dtype, t.shape) for t in tensors]
    eval_metric_ops = metric_fn(*tensors)
    self._eval_metric_tensors = {k: v[0] for k, v in eval_metric_ops.items()}

  def _dict_to_str(self, dictionary):
    """Get a `str` representation of a `dict`.

      dictionary: The `dict` to be represented as `str`.

      A `str` representing the `dictionary`.
    return ", ".join(
        "{} = {}".format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(dictionary.items()))

  def end(self, session):
    """See `SessionRunHook`."""

    # Forked from tensorflow/python/estimator/ function called
    # _write_dict_to_summary.
    current_global_step = tf.train.get_global_step()
    eval_dict, current_global_step =
        (self._eval_metric_tensors, current_global_step))"Saving %s '%s' dict for global step %d: %s", self._kind,
                 self._name, current_global_step, self._dict_to_str(eval_dict))
    summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriterCache.get(self._output_dir)
    summary_proto = tf.summary.Summary()
    for key in eval_dict:
      value = eval_dict[key]
      if isinstance(value, (np.float32, float)):
        summary_proto.value.add(tag=key, simple_value=float(value))
      elif isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
        summ = tf.summary.Summary.FromString(value)
        for i, _ in enumerate(summ.value):
          summ.value[i].tag = "{}/{}".format(key, i)
            "Skipping summary for %s, must be a float, np.float32, "
            "or a serialized string of Summary.", key)
    summary_writer.add_summary(summary_proto, current_global_step)

class _OverwriteCheckpointHook(tf_compat.SessionRunHook):
  """Hook to overwrite the latest checkpoint with next iteration variables."""

  def __init__(self, current_iteration, iteration_number_tensor,
               previous_iteration_vars, config):
    """Initilizes an _OverwriteCheckpointHook instance.

      current_iteration: Current `_Iteration` object.
      iteration_number_tensor: Int variable `Tensor` storing the current
        iteration number.
      previous_iteration_vars: Variables to restore from the previous iteration
        before overwriting the checkpoint.
      config: The Estimator's RunConfig object.

    self._iteration_number = current_iteration.number
    self._iteration_number_tensor = iteration_number_tensor
    self._previous_iteration_vars = previous_iteration_vars
    self._model_dir = config.model_dir
    self._checkpoint_state = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(self._model_dir)
    self._keep_checkpoint_max = config.keep_checkpoint_max

    self._update_op = None
    self._overwrite_saver = None
    self._checkpoint_overwritten = False

  def begin(self):
    """Creates the savers and adds ops needed for overwriting the checkpoint.

    Two savers are created, a restore saver which is passed the variables from
    the previous iteration to restore, and an overwrite saver which will
    actually overwrite the checkpoint.

    self._restore_saver = tf.train.Saver(
        sharded=True, var_list=self._previous_iteration_vars)
    # Note: self._iteration_number already contains the value of the next
    # iteration since _OverwriteCheckpointHook should only execute during the
    # graph growing phase.
    self._update_op = tf.assign(self._iteration_number_tensor,
    self._overwrite_saver = tf.train.Saver(
        sharded=True, max_to_keep=self._keep_checkpoint_max)

  def before_run(self, run_context):
    """Overwrites checkpoint before any calls to

    This is to ensure that the values of the variables in the overwritten
    checkpoint match those in the pevious iteration checkpoint.

      run_context: The tf.train.SessionRunContext passed to the hook.

    if not self._checkpoint_overwritten:
      session = run_context.session
      checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self._model_dir, "increment.ckpt")
      # Specify global_step=self._iteration_number to append the iteration
      # number to the checkpoint name, e.g. <model_dir>/increment-1.ckpt.
          session, checkpoint_path, global_step=self._iteration_number)
      self._checkpoint_overwritten = True

class _HookContextDecorator(tf_compat.SessionRunHook):
  """Decorates a SessionRunHook's public methods to run within a context."""

  def __init__(self, hook, context, is_growing_phase):
    """Initializes a _HookContextDecorator instance.

      hook: The SessionRunHook to decorate.
      context: The context to enter before calling the hook's public methods.
      is_growing_phase: Whether we are in the AdaNet graph growing phase. If so,
        only hook.begin() and hook.end() will be called.
    self._hook = hook
    self._context = context
    self._is_growing_phase = is_growing_phase

  def begin(self):
    with self._context():

  def after_create_session(self, session, coord):
    if not self._is_growing_phase:
      with self._context():
        self._hook.after_create_session(session, coord)

  def before_run(self, run_context):
    if not self._is_growing_phase:
      with self._context():
        return self._hook.before_run(run_context)

  def after_run(self, run_context, run_values):
    if not self._is_growing_phase:
      with self._context():
        self._hook.after_run(run_context, run_values)

  def end(self, session):
    with self._context():

def _temp_tf_config(temp_model_dir):
  """Temporarily modifies the TF_CONFIG variable for the graph growing phase."""

  actual_tf_config_string = os.environ.get("TF_CONFIG", "")
  if not actual_tf_config_string:

  temp_tf_config = json.loads(actual_tf_config_string)
  temp_tf_config["model_dir"] = temp_model_dir
  cluster_spec = None
  if "cluster" in temp_tf_config:
    temp_tf_config["cluster"].pop("ps", None)
    temp_tf_config["cluster"].pop("worker", None)
    cluster_spec = temp_tf_config["cluster"]
  # If cluster_spec is empty or None, set the current task to have type "worker"
  # and index 0. This is enforced by RunConfig when running locally.
  if not cluster_spec:
    if "task" in temp_tf_config:
      temp_tf_config["task"]["type"] = "worker"
      temp_tf_config["task"]["index"] = 0
  os.environ["TF_CONFIG"] = json.dumps(temp_tf_config)
    os.environ["TF_CONFIG"] = actual_tf_config_string

def _cleaned_hooks(hooks):
  """Cleans hooks for b/122795064.

  CheckpointSaverHooks are stateful and will carry a Saver across graphs
  causing errors. To fix this, we reset the saver between iterations.

  Remove all CheckpointSaverHooks since they are not intended to run between
  training runs and will cause errors.

    hooks: List of `SessionRunHooks`.

    Cleans list of hooks.

  if not hooks:
    return hooks

  for hook in hooks:
    if isinstance(hook, tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook):
      hook._saver = None  # pylint: disable=protected-access

  return [
      hook for hook in hooks
      if not isinstance(hook, tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook)

[docs]class Estimator(tf.estimator.Estimator): # pyformat: disable r"""A :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` for training, evaluation, and serving. This implementation uses an :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Generator` as its weak learning algorithm for generating candidate subnetworks. These are trained in parallel using a single graph per iteration. At the end of each iteration, the estimator saves the sub-graph of the best subnetwork ensemble and its weights as a separate checkpoint. At the beginning of the next iteration, the estimator imports the previous iteration's frozen graph and adds ops for the next candidates as part of a new graph and session. This allows the estimator have the performance of Tensorflow's static graph constraint (minus the performance hit of reconstructing a graph between iterations), while having the flexibility of having a dynamic graph. NOTE: Subclassing :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` is only necessary to work with :meth:`tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate` which asserts that the estimator argument is a :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` subclass. However, all training is delegated to a separate :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` instance. It is responsible for supporting both local and distributed training. As such, the :class:`adanet.Estimator` is only responsible for bookkeeping across iterations. Args: head: A :class:`tf.contrib.estimator.Head` instance for computing loss and evaluation metrics for every candidate. subnetwork_generator: The :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Generator` which defines the candidate subnetworks to train and evaluate at every AdaNet iteration. max_iteration_steps: Total number of steps for which to train candidates per iteration. If :class:`OutOfRange` or :class:`StopIteration` occurs in the middle, training stops before `max_iteration_steps` steps. ensemblers: An iterable of :class:`adanet.ensemble.Ensembler` objects that define how to ensemble a group of subnetworks. ensemble_strategies: An iterable of :class:`adanet.ensemble.Strategy` objects that define the candidate ensembles of subnetworks to explore at each iteration. evaluator: An :class:`adanet.Evaluator` for candidate selection after all subnetworks are done training. When :code:`None`, candidate selection uses a moving average of their :class:`adanet.Ensemble` AdaNet loss during training instead. In order to use the *AdaNet algorithm* as described in [Cortes et al., '17], the given :class:`adanet.Evaluator` must be created with the same dataset partition used during training. Otherwise, this framework will perform *AdaNet.HoldOut* which uses a holdout set for candidate selection, but does not benefit from learning guarantees. report_materializer: An :class:`adanet.ReportMaterializer`. Its reports are made available to the `subnetwork_generator` at the next iteration, so that it can adapt its search space. When `None`, the `subnetwork_generator` :meth:`generate_candidates` method will receive empty Lists for their `previous_ensemble_reports` and `all_reports` arguments. metric_fn: A function for adding custom evaluation metrics, which should obey the following signature: - `Args`: Can only have the following three arguments in any order: - :code:`predictions`: Predictions `Tensor` or dict of `Tensor` created by given :code:`head`. - :code:`features`: Input `dict` of `Tensor` objects created by :code:`input_fn` which is given to :meth:`estimator.evaluate` as an argument. - :code:`labels`: Labels `Tensor` or dict of `Tensor` (for multi-head) created by :code:`input_fn` which is given to :meth:`estimator.evaluate` as an argument. - `Returns`: Dict of metric results keyed by name. Final metrics are a union of this and :code:`head`'s existing metrics. If there is a name conflict between this and :code:`head`s existing metrics, this will override the existing one. The values of the dict are the results of calling a metric function, namely a :code:`(metric_tensor, update_op)` tuple. force_grow: Boolean override that forces the ensemble to grow by one subnetwork at the end of each iteration. Normally at the end of each iteration, AdaNet selects the best candidate ensemble according to its performance on the AdaNet objective. In some cases, the best ensemble is the `previous_ensemble` as opposed to one that includes a newly trained subnetwork. When `True`, the algorithm will not select the `previous_ensemble` as the best candidate, and will ensure that after n iterations the final ensemble is composed of n subnetworks. replicate_ensemble_in_training: Whether to rebuild the frozen subnetworks of the ensemble in training mode, which can change the outputs of the frozen subnetworks in the ensemble. When `False` and during candidate training, the frozen subnetworks in the ensemble are in prediction mode, so training-only ops like dropout are not applied to them. When `True` and training the candidates, the frozen subnetworks will be in training mode as well, so they will apply training-only ops like dropout. This argument is useful for regularizing learning mixture weights, or for making training-only side inputs available in subsequent iterations. For most use-cases, this should be `False`. adanet_loss_decay: Float decay for the exponential-moving-average of the AdaNet objective throughout training. This moving average is a data- driven way tracking the best candidate with only the training set. delay_secs_per_worker: Float number of seconds to delay starting the i-th worker. Staggering worker start-up during distributed asynchronous SGD can improve training stability and speed up convergence. Each worker will wait (i+1) * delay_secs_per_worker seconds before beginning training. max_worker_delay_secs: Float max number of seconds to delay starting the i-th worker. Staggering worker start-up during distributed asynchronous SGD can improve training stability and speed up convergence. Each worker will wait up to max_worker_delay_secs before beginning training. worker_wait_secs: Float number of seconds for workers to wait before checking if the chief prepared the next iteration. worker_wait_timeout_secs: Float number of seconds for workers to wait for chief to prepare the next iteration during distributed training. This is needed to prevent workers waiting indefinitely for a chief that may have crashed or been turned down. When the timeout is exceeded, the worker exits the train loop. In situations where the chief job is much slower than the worker jobs, this timeout should be increased. model_dir: Directory to save model parameters, graph and etc. This can also be used to load checkpoints from the directory into a estimator to continue training a previously saved model. report_dir: Directory where the :class:`adanet.subnetwork.MaterializedReport`s materialized by :code:`report_materializer` would be saved. If :code:`report_materializer` is :code:`None`, this will not save anything. If :code:`None` or empty string, defaults to :code:`<model_dir>/report`. config: :class:`RunConfig` object to configure the runtime settings. debug: Boolean to enable debug mode which will check features and labels for Infs and NaNs. **kwargs: Extra keyword args passed to the parent. Returns: An :class:`adanet.Estimator` instance. Raises: :code:`ValueError`: If :code:`ensemblers` is size > 1. :code:`ValueError`: If :code:`subnetwork_generator` is :code:`None`. :code:`ValueError`: If :code:`max_iteration_steps` is <= 0. :code:`ValueError`: If :code:`model_dir` is not specified during distributed training. """ # pyformat: enable class _Keys(object): CURRENT_ITERATION = "current_iteration" EVALUATE_ENSEMBLES = "evaluate_ensembles" MATERIALIZE_REPORT = "materialize_report" INCREMENT_ITERATION = "increment_iteration" SUBNETWORK_GENERATOR = "subnetwork_generator" def __init__(self, head, subnetwork_generator, max_iteration_steps, ensemblers=None, ensemble_strategies=None, evaluator=None, report_materializer=None, metric_fn=None, force_grow=False, replicate_ensemble_in_training=False, adanet_loss_decay=.9, delay_secs_per_worker=5, max_worker_delay_secs=60, worker_wait_secs=5, worker_wait_timeout_secs=7200, model_dir=None, report_dir=None, config=None, debug=False, **kwargs): if ensemblers and len(ensemblers) > 1: raise ValueError("More than a single Ensembler is not yet supported.") if subnetwork_generator is None: raise ValueError("subnetwork_generator can't be None.") if max_iteration_steps <= 0.: raise ValueError("max_iteration_steps must be > 0.") is_distributed_training = config and config.num_worker_replicas > 1 is_model_dir_specified = model_dir or (config and config.model_dir) if is_distributed_training and not is_model_dir_specified: # A common model dir for the chief and workers is required for # coordination during distributed training. raise ValueError( "For distributed training, a model_dir must be specified.") self._subnetwork_generator = subnetwork_generator self._adanet_loss_decay = adanet_loss_decay # Overwrite superclass's assert that members are not overwritten in order # to overwrite public methods. Note that we are doing something that is not # explicitly supported by the Estimator API and may break in the future. tf.estimator.Estimator._assert_members_are_not_overridden = staticmethod( # pylint: disable=protected-access lambda _: None) self._evaluation_checkpoint_path = None self._evaluator = evaluator self._report_materializer = report_materializer self._force_grow = force_grow self._delay_secs_per_worker = delay_secs_per_worker self._max_worker_delay_secs = max_worker_delay_secs self._worker_wait_secs = worker_wait_secs self._worker_wait_timeout_secs = worker_wait_timeout_secs self._evaluation_name = None # Added for backwards compatibility. default_ensembler_args = [ "mixture_weight_type", "mixture_weight_initializer", "warm_start_mixture_weights", "adanet_lambda", "adanet_beta", "use_bias" ] default_ensembler_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in default_ensembler_args } if default_ensembler_kwargs: logging.warn( "The following arguments have been moved to " "`adanet.ensemble.ComplexityRegularizedEnsembler` which can be " "specified in the `ensemblers` argument: %s", sorted(default_ensembler_kwargs.keys())) for key in default_ensembler_kwargs: del kwargs[key] # Experimental feature. placement_strategy_arg = "experimental_placement_strategy" placement_strategy = kwargs.pop(placement_strategy_arg, None) if placement_strategy: logging.warning( "%s is an experimental feature. Its behavior is not guaranteed " "to be backwards compatible.", placement_strategy_arg) # Monkey patch the default variable placement strategy that Estimator uses # since it does not support workers having different graphs from the chief. # TODO: Consider using `RunConfig.replace` with the new device_fn, # but this can cause issues since RunConfig automatically parses TF_CONFIG # environment variable. with monkey_patch_default_variable_placement_strategy(): # This `Estimator` is responsible for bookkeeping across iterations, and # for training the subnetworks in both a local and distributed setting. # Subclassing improves future-proofing against new private methods being # added to `tf.estimator.Estimator` that are expected to be callable by # external functions, such as in b/110435640. super(Estimator, self).__init__( model_fn=self._adanet_model_fn, params={}, config=config, model_dir=model_dir, **kwargs) if default_ensembler_kwargs and ensemblers: raise ValueError("When specifying the `ensemblers` argument, " "the following arguments must not be given: {}".format( default_ensembler_kwargs.keys())) if not ensemblers: default_ensembler_kwargs["model_dir"] = self.model_dir ensemblers = [ComplexityRegularizedEnsembler(**default_ensembler_kwargs)] # These are defined after base Estimator's init so that they can # use the same temporary model_dir as the underlying Estimator even if # model_dir is not provided. self._use_tpu = kwargs.get("use_tpu", False) ensemble_builder = _EnsembleBuilder( head=head, metric_fn=metric_fn, use_tpu=self._use_tpu) candidate_builder = _CandidateBuilder( max_steps=max_iteration_steps, adanet_loss_decay=self._adanet_loss_decay) subnetwork_manager = _SubnetworkManager( head=head, metric_fn=metric_fn, use_tpu=self._use_tpu) if not placement_strategy: placement_strategy = ReplicationStrategy() placement_strategy.config = self.config self._iteration_builder = _IterationBuilder( candidate_builder, subnetwork_manager, ensemble_builder, ensemblers, self._summary_maker, placement_strategy, replicate_ensemble_in_training, use_tpu=self._use_tpu, debug=debug) self._ensemble_strategies = ensemble_strategies or [GrowStrategy()] report_dir = report_dir or os.path.join(self._model_dir, "report") self._report_accessor = _ReportAccessor(report_dir) # Stateful properties. self._prepare_next_iteration_state = None self._inside_adanet_training_loop = False def _summary_maker(self, scope=None, skip_summary=False, namespace=None): """Constructs a `_ScopedSummary`.""" if self._use_tpu: return _TPUScopedSummary( logdir=self._model_dir, scope=scope, skip_summary=skip_summary, namespace=namespace) else: return _ScopedSummary( scope=scope, skip_summary=skip_summary, namespace=namespace) def _latest_checkpoint_iteration_number(self): """Returns the iteration number from the latest checkpoint.""" latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir) if latest_checkpoint is None: return 0 return tf.train.load_variable(latest_checkpoint, self._Keys.CURRENT_ITERATION) def _latest_checkpoint_global_step(self): """Returns the global step from the latest checkpoint.""" latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir) if latest_checkpoint is None: return 0 return tf.train.load_variable(latest_checkpoint, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP) @contextlib.contextmanager def _train_loop_context(self): """Tracks where the context is within the AdaNet train loop.""" self._inside_adanet_training_loop = True try: yield finally: self._inside_adanet_training_loop = False
[docs] def train(self, input_fn, hooks=None, steps=None, max_steps=None, saving_listeners=None): if (steps is not None) and (max_steps is not None): raise ValueError("Can not provide both steps and max_steps.") if steps is not None and steps <= 0: raise ValueError("Must specify steps > 0, given: {}".format(steps)) if steps is not None: max_steps = self._latest_checkpoint_global_step() + steps # Each iteration of this AdaNet loop represents an `_Iteration`. The # current iteration number is stored as a variable in the checkpoint so # that training can be stopped and started at anytime. with monkey_patch_default_variable_placement_strategy( ), self._train_loop_context(): while True: current_iteration = self._latest_checkpoint_iteration_number()"Beginning training AdaNet iteration %s", current_iteration) self._iteration_ended = False result = super(Estimator, self).train( input_fn=input_fn, hooks=self._decorate_hooks(hooks or []), max_steps=max_steps, saving_listeners=saving_listeners)"Finished training Adanet iteration %s", current_iteration) # If training ended because the maximum number of training steps # occurred, exit training. if self._latest_checkpoint_global_step() >= max_steps: return result # If training ended for any reason other than the iteration ending, # exit training. if not self._iteration_ended: return result"Beginning bookkeeping phase for iteration %s", current_iteration) # The chief prepares the next AdaNet iteration, and increments the # iteration number by 1. if self.config.is_chief: # As the chief, store the train hooks and make a placeholder input_fn # in order to use them when preparing the next iteration. self._train_hooks = hooks or [] self._prepare_next_iteration(input_fn) # This inner loop serves mainly for synchronizing the workers with the # chief during distributed training. Workers that finish training early # wait for the chief to prepare the next iteration and increment the # iteration number. Workers that are slow to finish training quickly # move onto the next iteration. And workers that go offline and return # online after training ended terminate gracefully. wait_for_chief = not self.config.is_chief timer = _CountDownTimer(self._worker_wait_timeout_secs) while wait_for_chief: # If the chief hits max_steps, it will stop training itself and not # increment the iteration number, so this is how the worker knows to # exit if it wakes up and the chief is gone. # TODO: Support steps parameter. if self._latest_checkpoint_global_step() >= max_steps: return result # In distributed training, a worker may end training before the chief # overwrites the checkpoint with the incremented iteration number. If # that is the case, it should wait for the chief to do so. Otherwise # the worker will get stuck waiting for its weights to be initialized. next_iteration = self._latest_checkpoint_iteration_number() if next_iteration > current_iteration: break # Check timeout when waiting for potentially downed chief. if timer.secs_remaining() == 0: logging.error( "Chief job did not prepare next iteration after %s secs. It " "may have been preempted, been turned down, or crashed. This " "worker is now exiting training.", self._worker_wait_timeout_secs) return result"Waiting for chief to finish") time.sleep(self._worker_wait_secs) # Stagger starting workers to prevent training instability. # Mimics behavior of tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate. if not self.config.is_chief and self.config.task_type == "worker": task_id = self.config.task_id or 0 # Stagger each worker up to 60 secs. delay_secs = min(self._max_worker_delay_secs, (task_id + 1.) * self._delay_secs_per_worker) if delay_secs > 0.:"Waiting %d secs before continuing training.", delay_secs) time.sleep(delay_secs)"Finished bookkeeping phase for iteration %s", current_iteration)
[docs] def evaluate(self, input_fn, steps=None, hooks=None, checkpoint_path=None, name=None): if not checkpoint_path: checkpoint_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir) # Ensure that the read to get the iteration number and read to restore # variable values come from the same checkpoint during evaluation. self._evaluation_checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path self._evaluation_name = name result = super(Estimator, self).evaluate( input_fn, steps=steps, hooks=hooks, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, name=name) self._evaluation_checkpoint_path = None return result
def _call_adanet_model_fn(self, input_fn, mode): """Calls model_fn with the given mode and parameters.""" with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(self.config.tf_random_seed) # Create global step before calling model_fn as does superclass. tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() inputs = input_fn() # TODO: Consider tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/ if isinstance(inputs, features, labels = inputs.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() else: features, labels = inputs self.model_fn(features, labels, mode, self.config) def _create_temp_estimator(self, temp_model_dir): """Creates a temp `Estimator` to grow the graph for the next iteration.""" config = self.config temp_run_config_kwargs = dict( model_dir=temp_model_dir, tf_random_seed=config.tf_random_seed, session_config=config.session_config, device_fn=config.device_fn) if LooseVersion(tf.VERSION) >= LooseVersion("1.11.0"): temp_run_config_kwargs["protocol"] = config.protocol return tf.estimator.Estimator( model_fn=self._adanet_model_fn, config=tf.estimator.RunConfig(**temp_run_config_kwargs), model_dir=temp_model_dir, params={}) def _prepare_next_iteration(self, train_input_fn): """Prepares the next iteration. This method calls model_fn up to four times: 1. To evaluate all candidate ensembles to find the best one. 2. To materialize reports and store them to disk (if report_materializer exists). 3. To overwrite the model directory's checkpoint with the next iteration's ops. Args: train_input_fn: The input_fn used during training. """"Preparing next iteration:") # First, evaluate and choose the best ensemble for this iteration."Evaluating candidates...") self._prepare_next_iteration_state = self._Keys.EVALUATE_ENSEMBLES if self._evaluator: evaluator_input_fn = self._evaluator.input_fn else: evaluator_input_fn = train_input_fn self._call_adanet_model_fn(evaluator_input_fn, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL)"Done evaluating candidates.") # Then materialize and store the subnetwork reports. if self._report_materializer:"Materializing reports...") self._prepare_next_iteration_state = self._Keys.MATERIALIZE_REPORT self._call_adanet_model_fn(self._report_materializer.input_fn, tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL)"Done materializing reports.") self._best_ensemble_index = None # Finally, create the graph for the next iteration and overwrite the model # directory checkpoint with the expanded graph."Adapting graph and incrementing iteration number...") self._prepare_next_iteration_state = self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION temp_model_dir = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "temp_model_dir") if tf.gfile.Exists(temp_model_dir): tf.gfile.DeleteRecursively(temp_model_dir) with _temp_tf_config(temp_model_dir): temp_estimator = self._create_temp_estimator(temp_model_dir) # Do not train with any saving_listeners since this is just a temporary # estimator. temp_estimator.train( input_fn=train_input_fn, max_steps=1, hooks=self._decorate_hooks(_cleaned_hooks(self._train_hooks)), saving_listeners=None) tf.gfile.DeleteRecursively(temp_model_dir) self._prepare_next_iteration_state = None"Done adapting graph and incrementing iteration number.")"Finished preparing next iteration.") def _architecture_filename(self, iteration_number): """Returns the filename of the given iteration's frozen graph.""" frozen_checkpoint = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "architecture") return "{}-{}.json".format(frozen_checkpoint, iteration_number) @contextlib.contextmanager def _reset_state_context(self): """Resets stateful properties before delegating control to the user.""" prepare_next_iteration_state = self._prepare_next_iteration_state inside_training_loop = self._inside_adanet_training_loop self._prepare_next_iteration_state = None self._inside_adanet_training_loop = False try: yield finally: self._inside_adanet_training_loop = inside_training_loop self._prepare_next_iteration_state = prepare_next_iteration_state def _get_best_ensemble_index(self, current_iteration): """Returns the best candidate ensemble's index in this iteration. Evaluates the ensembles using an `Evaluator` when provided. Otherwise, it returns the index of the best candidate as defined by the `_Iteration`. Args: current_iteration: Current `_Iteration`. Returns: Index of the best ensemble in the iteration's list of `_Candidates`. """ # Skip the evaluation phase when there is only one candidate subnetwork. if len(current_iteration.candidates) == 1: "As the only candidate, '%s' is moving onto the next iteration.", current_iteration.candidates[0] return 0 # The zero-th index candidate at iteration t>0 is always the # previous_ensemble. if current_iteration.number > 0 and self._force_grow and (len( current_iteration.candidates) == 2): "As the only candidate with `force_grow` enabled, '%s' is moving" "onto the next iteration.", current_iteration.candidates[1] return 1 latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir)"Starting ensemble evaluation for iteration %s", current_iteration.number) with tf.Session() as sess: init =, tf.local_variables_initializer(), tf.tables_initializer()) saver = tf.train.Saver(sharded=True) saver.restore(sess, latest_checkpoint) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) if self._evaluator: adanet_losses = [ c.ensemble_spec.adanet_loss for c in current_iteration.candidates ] adanet_losses = self._evaluator.evaluate_adanet_losses( sess, adanet_losses) else: adanet_losses = [c.adanet_loss for c in current_iteration.candidates]) values = [] for i in range(len(current_iteration.candidates)): metric_name = "adanet_loss" ensemble_name = current_iteration.candidates[i] values.append("{}/{} = {:.6f}".format(metric_name, ensemble_name, adanet_losses[i]))"Computed ensemble metrics: %s", ", ".join(values)) if self._force_grow and current_iteration.number > 0: "The `force_grow` override is enabled, so the " "the performance of the previous ensemble will be ignored.") # NOTE: The zero-th index candidate at iteration t>0 is always the # previous_ensemble. adanet_losses = adanet_losses[1:] index = np.argmin(adanet_losses) + 1 else: index = np.argmin(adanet_losses)"Finished ensemble evaluation for iteration %s", current_iteration.number)"'%s' at index %s is moving onto the next iteration", current_iteration.candidates[index], index) return index def _materialize_report(self, current_iteration): """Generates reports as defined by `Builder`s. Materializes the Tensors and metrics defined in the `Builder`s' `build_subnetwork_report` method using `ReportMaterializer`, and stores them to disk using `_ReportAccessor`. Args: current_iteration: Current `_Iteration`. """ latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir)"Starting metric logging for iteration %s", current_iteration.number) assert self._best_ensemble_index is not None best_candidate = current_iteration.candidates[self._best_ensemble_index] best_architecture = best_candidate.ensemble_spec.architecture included_subnetwork_names = [ name for i, name in best_architecture.subnetworks if i == current_iteration.number ] with tf.Session() as sess: init =, tf.local_variables_initializer(), tf.tables_initializer()) saver = tf.train.Saver(sharded=True) saver.restore(sess, latest_checkpoint) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) materialized_reports = ( self._report_materializer.materialize_subnetwork_reports( sess, current_iteration.number, current_iteration.subnetwork_reports, included_subnetwork_names)) self._report_accessor.write_iteration_report(current_iteration.number, materialized_reports)"Finished saving subnetwork reports for iteration %s", current_iteration.number) def _decorate_hooks(self, hooks): """Decorate hooks to reset AdaNet state before calling their methods.""" is_growing_phase = ( self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION) decorated_hooks = [] for hook in hooks: # Set is_growing_phase=False for OverwriteCheckpointHook so the hook's # before_run method is called to overwrite the checkpoint. if isinstance(hook, _OverwriteCheckpointHook): assert is_growing_phase is_growing_phase = False decorated_hooks.append( _HookContextDecorator(hook, self._reset_state_context, is_growing_phase)) return decorated_hooks def _training_chief_hooks(self, current_iteration, training): """Returns chief-only training hooks to be run this iteration. Args: current_iteration: Current `_Iteration`. training: Whether in training mode. Returns: A list of `SessionRunHook` instances. """ if not training: return [] training_hooks = [] for summary in current_iteration.summaries: output_dir = self.model_dir if summary.scope: output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, summary.namespace, summary.scope) summary_saver_hook = tf_compat.SummarySaverHook( save_steps=self.config.save_summary_steps, output_dir=output_dir, summary_op=summary.merge_all()) training_hooks.append(summary_saver_hook) training_hooks += list( current_iteration.estimator_spec.training_chief_hooks) return training_hooks def _training_hooks(self, current_iteration, training, iteration_number_tensor, previous_iteration_vars): """Returns training hooks to be run on all workers and chief this iteration. Args: current_iteration: Current `_Iteration`. training: Whether in training mode. iteration_number_tensor: An int tensor of the current AdaNet iteraiton. previous_iteration_vars: The variables of the previous iteration to be restored by the _OverwriteCheckpointHook. If empty, no _OverwriteCheckpointHook will be created. Returns: A list of `SessionRunHook` instances. """ if not training: return [] def after_fn(): self._iteration_ended = True training_hooks = list(current_iteration.estimator_spec.training_hooks) + [ _StopAfterTrainingHook(current_iteration, after_fn=after_fn) ] if previous_iteration_vars: assert ( self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION) training_hooks.append( _OverwriteCheckpointHook(current_iteration, iteration_number_tensor, previous_iteration_vars, self.config)) return training_hooks def _evaluation_hooks(self, current_iteration, training): """Returns evaluation hooks for this iteration. Args: current_iteration: Current `_Iteration`. training: Whether in training mode. Returns: A list of `SessionRunHook` instances. """ if training: return [] evaluation_hooks = [] for subnetwork_spec in current_iteration.subnetwork_specs: evaluation_hooks.append( self._create_eval_metric_saver_hook( subnetwork_spec.eval_metrics,, kind="subnetwork")) for candidate in current_iteration.candidates: evaluation_hooks.append( self._create_eval_metric_saver_hook( candidate.ensemble_spec.eval_metrics,, kind="ensemble")) return evaluation_hooks def _create_eval_metric_saver_hook(self, eval_metrics, name, kind): eval_subdir = "eval" if self._evaluation_name: eval_subdir = "eval_{}".format(self._evaluation_name) return _EvalMetricSaverHook( name=name, kind=kind, eval_metrics=eval_metrics, output_dir=os.path.join(self.model_dir, kind, name, eval_subdir)) def _save_architecture(self, filename, architecture): """Persists the ensemble's architecture in a serialized format. Writes to a text file with one subnetwork's iteration number and name per line. Args: filename: String filename to persist the ensemble architecture. architecture: Target `_Architecture` instance. """ # Make directories since model_dir may not have been created yet. tf.gfile.MakeDirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) with tf.gfile.GFile(filename, "w") as record_file: record_file.write(architecture.serialize()) def _read_architecture(self, filename): """Reads an ensemble architecture from disk. Assumes the file was written with `_save_architecture`. Args: filename: String filename where features were recorded. Returns: An `_Architecture` instance. Raises: OSError: When file not found at `filename`. """ if not tf.gfile.Exists(filename): raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), filename) with tf.gfile.GFile(filename, "rb") as gfile: return _Architecture.deserialize( def _find_ensemble_candidate(self, ensemble_candidate_name, ensemble_candidates): """Returns the ensemble candidate with the given name.""" for ensemble_candidate in ensemble_candidates: if == ensemble_candidate_name: return ensemble_candidate raise ValueError( "Could not find a matching ensemble candidate with name '{}'. " "Are you sure the `adanet.ensemble.Strategy` is deterministic?".format( ensemble_candidate_name)) # TODO: Refactor architecture building logic to its own module. def _architecture_ensemble_spec(self, architecture, iteration_number, features, mode, labels, previous_ensemble_spec): """Returns an `_EnsembleSpec` with the given architecture. Creates the ensemble architecture by calling `generate_subnetworks` on `self._subnetwork_generator` and only calling `build_subnetwork` on `Builders` included in the architecture. Once their ops are created, their variables are restored from the checkpoint. Args: architecture: An `_Architecture` instance. iteration_number: Integer current iteration number. features: Dictionary of `Tensor` objects keyed by feature name. mode: Defines whether this is training, evaluation or prediction. See `ModeKeys`. labels: Labels `Tensor` or a dictionary of string label name to `Tensor` (for multi-head). Can be `None`. previous_ensemble_spec: The `_EnsembleSpec` for the previous iteration. Will be `None` for the first iteration. Returns: An `EnsembleSpec` instance for the given architecture. Raises: ValueError: If a subnetwork from `architecture` is not found in the generated candidate `Builders` of the specified iteration. """ previous_ensemble = None if previous_ensemble_spec: previous_ensemble = previous_ensemble_spec.ensemble current_iteration = None for t, names in architecture.subnetworks_grouped_by_iteration: if t != iteration_number: continue previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports = [], [] if self._report_materializer: previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports = ( self._collate_subnetwork_reports(iteration_number)) generated_subnetwork_builders = ( self._subnetwork_generator.generate_candidates( previous_ensemble=previous_ensemble, iteration_number=iteration_number, previous_ensemble_reports=previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports=all_reports)) subnetwork_builder_names = { b for b in generated_subnetwork_builders } rebuild_subnetwork_builders = [] for name in names: if name not in subnetwork_builder_names: raise ValueError( "Required subnetwork builder is missing for iteration {}: {}" .format(iteration_number, name)) rebuild_subnetwork_builders.append(subnetwork_builder_names[name]) previous_ensemble_summary = None previous_ensemble_subnetwork_builders = None if previous_ensemble_spec: # Always skip summaries when rebuilding previous architecture, # since they are not useful. previous_ensemble_summary = self._summary_maker( namespace="ensemble",, skip_summary=True) previous_ensemble_subnetwork_builders = ( previous_ensemble_spec.subnetwork_builders) ensemble_candidates = [] for ensemble_strategy in self._ensemble_strategies: ensemble_candidates += ensemble_strategy.generate_ensemble_candidates( rebuild_subnetwork_builders, previous_ensemble_subnetwork_builders) ensemble_candidate = self._find_ensemble_candidate( architecture.ensemble_candidate_name, ensemble_candidates) current_iteration = self._iteration_builder.build_iteration( iteration_number=iteration_number, ensemble_candidates=[ensemble_candidate], subnetwork_builders=rebuild_subnetwork_builders, features=features, labels=labels, mode=mode, previous_ensemble_summary=previous_ensemble_summary, previous_ensemble_spec=previous_ensemble_spec, skip_summaries=True, rebuilding=True) max_candidates = 2 if previous_ensemble_spec else 1 assert len(current_iteration.candidates) == max_candidates previous_ensemble_spec = current_iteration.candidates[-1].ensemble_spec previous_ensemble = previous_ensemble_spec.ensemble return previous_ensemble_spec def _collate_subnetwork_reports(self, iteration_number): """Prepares subnetwork.Reports to be passed to Generator. Reads subnetwork.MaterializedReports from past iterations, collates those that were included in previous_ensemble into previous_ensemble_reports as a List of subnetwork.MaterializedReports, and collates all reports from previous iterations into all_reports as another List of subnetwork.MaterializedReports. Args: iteration_number: Python integer AdaNet iteration number, starting from 0. Returns: (previous_ensemble_reports: List<subnetwork.MaterializedReport>, materialized_reports: List<MaterializedReport>) """ materialized_reports_all = (self._report_accessor.read_iteration_reports()) previous_ensemble_reports = [] all_reports = [] # Since the number of iteration reports changes after the # MATERIALIZE_REPORT phase, we need to make sure that we always pass the # same reports to the Generator in the same iteration, # otherwise the graph that is built in the FREEZE_ENSEMBLE phase would be # different from the graph built in the training phase. # Iteration 0 should have 0 iteration reports passed to the # Generator, since there are no previous iterations. # Iteration 1 should have 1 list of reports for Builders # generated in iteration 0. # Iteration 2 should have 2 lists of reports -- one for iteration 0, # one for iteration 1. Note that the list of reports for iteration >= 1 # should contain "previous_ensemble", in addition to the # Builders at the start of that iteration. # Iteration t should have t lists of reports. for i, iteration_reports in enumerate(materialized_reports_all): # This ensures that the FREEZE_ENSEMBLE phase does not pass the reports # generated in the previous phase of the same iteration to the # Generator when building the graph. if i >= iteration_number: break chosen_subnetworks_in_this_iteration = [ subnetwork_report for subnetwork_report in iteration_reports if subnetwork_report.included_in_final_ensemble ] previous_ensemble_reports += chosen_subnetworks_in_this_iteration all_reports.extend(iteration_reports) return previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports def _train_op(self, iteration_estimator_spec): """Returns the iteration train op or tf.no_op if growing the graph.""" train_op = iteration_estimator_spec.train_op if self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION: train_op = tf.assign_add(tf.train.get_global_step(), 1) # NOTE: some version of TensorFlow check that train_op is an Op or Tensor # and crash if train_op is a Variable. train_op = tf.identity(train_op) return train_op def _create_estimator_spec(self, current_iteration, mode, iteration_number_tensor, previous_iteration_vars): """Creates the EstimatorSpec which will be returned by _adanet_model_fn.""" training = mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN iteration_estimator_spec = current_iteration.estimator_spec return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, predictions=iteration_estimator_spec.predictions, loss=iteration_estimator_spec.loss, train_op=self._train_op(iteration_estimator_spec), eval_metric_ops=iteration_estimator_spec.eval_metric_ops, training_chief_hooks=self._decorate_hooks( self._training_chief_hooks(current_iteration, training)), training_hooks=self._decorate_hooks( self._training_hooks(current_iteration, training, iteration_number_tensor, previous_iteration_vars)), evaluation_hooks=self._evaluation_hooks(current_iteration, training), scaffold=tf.train.Scaffold(summary_op=tf.constant("")), export_outputs=iteration_estimator_spec.export_outputs) def _adanet_model_fn(self, features, labels, mode, params): """AdaNet model_fn. This model_fn is called at least three times per iteration: 1. The first call generates, builds, and trains the candidate subnetworks to ensemble in this iteration. 2. Once training is over, bookkeeping begins. The next call is to evaluate the best candidate ensembles according to the AdaNet objective. 2.b. Optionally, when a report materializer is provided, another call creates the graph for producing subnetwork reports for the next iteration and other AdaNet runs. 3. The final call is responsible for rebuilding the ensemble architecture from t-1 by regenerating the best builders and warm-starting their weights, adding ops and initialing the weights for the next candidate subnetworks, and overwriting the latest checkpoint with its graph and variables, so that first call of the next iteration has the right variables in the checkpoint. Args: features: Dictionary of `Tensor` objects keyed by feature name. labels: Labels `Tensor` or a dictionary of string label name to `Tensor` (for multi-head). Can be `None`. mode: Defines whether this is training, evaluation or prediction. See `ModeKeys`. params: A dict of parameters. Returns: A `EstimatorSpec` instance. Raises: UserWarning: When calling model_fn directly in TRAIN mode. """ training = mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN if training and not self._inside_adanet_training_loop: raise UserWarning( "The adanet.Estimator's model_fn should not be called directly in " "TRAIN mode, because its behavior is undefined outside the context " "of its `train` method. If you are trying to add custom metrics " "with `tf.contrib.estimator.add_metrics`, pass the `metric_fn` to " "this `Estimator's` constructor instead.") iteration_number = self._latest_checkpoint_iteration_number() # Use the evaluation checkpoint path to get both the iteration number and # variable values to avoid any race conditions between the first and second # checkpoint reads. if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL and self._evaluation_checkpoint_path: iteration_number = tf.train.load_variable( self._evaluation_checkpoint_path, self._Keys.CURRENT_ITERATION) if self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION: iteration_number += 1 # Only record summaries when training. skip_summaries = ( mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN or self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION) with tf.variable_scope("adanet"): previous_ensemble_spec = None previous_ensemble = None previous_ensemble_summary = None previous_ensemble_subnetwork_builders = None architecture = None for i in range(iteration_number): architecture_filename = self._architecture_filename(i) if not tf.gfile.Exists(architecture_filename): continue architecture = self._read_architecture(architecture_filename) "Importing architecture from %s: [%s].", architecture_filename, ", ".join( sorted([ "'{}:{}'".format(t, n) for t, n in architecture.subnetworks_grouped_by_iteration ]))) previous_ensemble_spec = self._architecture_ensemble_spec( architecture, i, features, mode, labels, previous_ensemble_spec) previous_ensemble = previous_ensemble_spec.ensemble previous_ensemble_summary = self._summary_maker( namespace="ensemble",, skip_summary=skip_summaries) previous_ensemble_subnetwork_builders = ( previous_ensemble_spec.subnetwork_builders) previous_iteration_vars = None if self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION: # Keep track of the previous iteration variables so we can restore them # from the previous checkpoint after growing the graph. After this line, # any variables created will not have a matching one in the checkpoint # until it gets overwritten. # Note: It's not possible to just create a tf.train.Saver here since # this code is also run on TPU, which does not support creating Savers # inside model_fn. previous_iteration_vars = ( tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) + tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SAVEABLE_OBJECTS)) previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports = [], [] if self._report_materializer: previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports = ( self._collate_subnetwork_reports(iteration_number)) subnetwork_builders = self._subnetwork_generator.generate_candidates( previous_ensemble=previous_ensemble, iteration_number=iteration_number, previous_ensemble_reports=previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports=all_reports) ensemble_candidates = [] for ensemble_strategy in self._ensemble_strategies: ensemble_candidates += ensemble_strategy.generate_ensemble_candidates( subnetwork_builders, previous_ensemble_subnetwork_builders) current_iteration = self._iteration_builder.build_iteration( iteration_number=iteration_number, ensemble_candidates=ensemble_candidates, subnetwork_builders=subnetwork_builders, features=features, labels=labels, mode=mode, previous_ensemble_summary=previous_ensemble_summary, previous_ensemble_spec=previous_ensemble_spec, skip_summaries=True) # Variable which allows us to read the current iteration from a checkpoint. # This must be created here so it is available when calling # _prepare_next_iteration after the first iteration. iteration_number_tensor = tf.get_variable( self._Keys.CURRENT_ITERATION, shape=[], dtype=tf.int64, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) if self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.EVALUATE_ENSEMBLES: assert mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL assert self.config.is_chief self._best_ensemble_index = self._get_best_ensemble_index( current_iteration) architecture = current_iteration.candidates[ self._best_ensemble_index].ensemble_spec.architecture new_architecture_filename = self._architecture_filename(iteration_number) self._save_architecture(new_architecture_filename, architecture) elif self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.MATERIALIZE_REPORT: assert mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL assert self.config.is_chief assert self._best_ensemble_index is not None self._materialize_report(current_iteration) elif self._prepare_next_iteration_state == self._Keys.INCREMENT_ITERATION: assert mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN assert self.config.is_chief latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir) "Overwriting checkpoint with new graph for iteration %s to %s", iteration_number, latest_checkpoint) return self._create_estimator_spec(current_iteration, mode, iteration_number_tensor, previous_iteration_vars)