Source code for adanet.ensemble.weighted

# Copyright 2019 The AdaNet Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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"""Adanet implementation for weighted Subnetwork and Ensemblers."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections

from absl import logging
from adanet import tf_compat
from adanet.ensemble.ensembler import Ensemble
from adanet.ensemble.ensembler import Ensembler
import tensorflow as tf

def _lookup_if_dict(target, key):
  if isinstance(target, dict):
    return target[key]
  return target

[docs]class WeightedSubnetwork( collections.namedtuple( "WeightedSubnetwork", ["name", "iteration_number", "weight", "logits", "subnetwork"])): # pyformat: disable """An AdaNet weighted subnetwork. A weighted subnetwork is a weight applied to a subnetwork's last layer or logits (depending on the mixture weights type). Args: name: String name of :code:`subnetwork` as defined by its :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Builder`. iteration_number: Integer iteration when the subnetwork was created. weight: The weight :class:`tf.Tensor` or dict of string to weight :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head) to apply to this subnetwork. The AdaNet paper refers to this weight as :math:`w` in Equations (4), (5), and (6). logits: The output :class:`tf.Tensor` or dict of string to weight :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head) after the matrix multiplication of :code:`weight` and the subnetwork's :code:`last_layer`. The output's shape is [batch_size, logits_dimension]. It is equivalent to a linear logits layer in a neural network. subnetwork: The :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Subnetwork` to weight. Returns: An :class:`adanet.ensemble.WeightedSubnetwork` object. """ # pyformat: enable def __new__(cls, name="", iteration_number=0, weight=None, logits=None, subnetwork=None): return super(WeightedSubnetwork, cls).__new__( cls, name=name, iteration_number=iteration_number, weight=weight, logits=logits, subnetwork=subnetwork)
[docs]class ComplexityRegularized( collections.namedtuple("ComplexityRegularized", [ "weighted_subnetworks", "bias", "logits", "subnetworks", "complexity_regularization" ]), Ensemble): r"""An AdaNet ensemble where subnetworks are regularized by model complexity. Hence an ensemble is a collection of subnetworks which forms a neural network through the weighted sum of their outputs: .. math:: F(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{N}w_ih_i(x) + b Args: weighted_subnetworks: List of :class:`adanet.ensemble.WeightedSubnetwork` instances that form this ensemble. Ordered from first to most recent. bias: Bias term :class:`tf.Tensor` or dict of string to bias term :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head) for the ensemble's logits. logits: Logits :class:`tf.Tensor` or dict of string to logits :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head). The result of the function *f* as defined in Section 5.1 which is the sum of the logits of all :class:`adanet.WeightedSubnetwork` instances in ensemble. subnetworks: List of :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Subnetwork` instances that form this ensemble. This is kept together with weighted_subnetworks for legacy reasons. complexity_regularization: Regularization to be added in the Adanet loss. Returns: An :class:`adanet.ensemble.Weighted` instance. """ def __new__(cls, weighted_subnetworks, bias, logits, subnetworks=None, complexity_regularization=None): return super(ComplexityRegularized, cls).__new__( cls, weighted_subnetworks=list(weighted_subnetworks), bias=bias, logits=logits, subnetworks=list(subnetworks or []), complexity_regularization=complexity_regularization)
[docs]class MixtureWeightType(object): """Mixture weight types available for learning subnetwork contributions. The following mixture weight types are defined: * `SCALAR`: Produces a rank 0 `Tensor` mixture weight. * `VECTOR`: Produces a rank 1 `Tensor` mixture weight. * `MATRIX`: Produces a rank 2 `Tensor` mixture weight. """ SCALAR = "scalar" VECTOR = "vector" MATRIX = "matrix"
[docs]class ComplexityRegularizedEnsembler(Ensembler): # pyformat: disable r"""The AdaNet algorithm implemented as an :class:`adanet.ensemble.Ensembler`. The AdaNet algorithm was introduced in the [Cortes et al. ICML 2017] paper: The AdaNet algorithm uses a weak learning algorithm to iteratively generate a set of candidate subnetworks that attempt to minimize the loss function defined in Equation (4) as part of an ensemble. At the end of each iteration, the best candidate is chosen based on its ensemble's complexity-regularized train loss. New subnetworks are allowed to use any subnetwork weights within the previous iteration's ensemble in order to improve upon them. If the complexity-regularized loss of the new ensemble, as defined in Equation (4), is less than that of the previous iteration's ensemble, the AdaNet algorithm continues onto the next iteration. AdaNet attempts to minimize the following loss function to learn the mixture weights :math:`w` of each subnetwork :math:`h` in the ensemble with differentiable convex non-increasing surrogate loss function :math:`\Phi`: Equation (4): .. math:: F(w) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} \Phi \left(\sum_{j=1}^{N}w_jh_j(x_i), y_i \right) + \sum_{j=1}^{N} \left(\lambda r(h_j) + \beta \right) |w_j| with :math:`\lambda >= 0` and :math:`\beta >= 0`. Args: optimizer: A :class:`tf.train.Optimizer` instance to be used for building the train op. If left as None, :meth:`tf.no_op` is returned as train op. mixture_weight_type: The :class:`adanet.ensemble.MixtureWeightType` defining which mixture weight type to learn on top of the subnetworks' logits. mixture_weight_initializer: The initializer for mixture_weights. When :code:`None`, the default is different according to :code:`mixture_weight_type`: - :code:`SCALAR` initializes to :math:`1/N` where :math:`N` is the number of subnetworks in the ensemble giving a uniform average. - :code:`VECTOR` initializes each entry to :math:`1/N` where :math:`N` is the number of subnetworks in the ensemble giving a uniform average. - :code:`MATRIX` uses :meth:`tf.zeros_initializer`. warm_start_mixture_weights: Whether, at the beginning of an iteration, to initialize the mixture weights of the subnetworks from the previous ensemble to their learned value at the previous iteration, as opposed to retraining them from scratch. Takes precedence over the value for :code:`mixture_weight_initializer` for subnetworks from previous iterations. model_dir: The model dir to use for warm-starting mixture weights and bias at the logit layer. Ignored if :code:`warm_start_mixture_weights` is :code:`False`. adanet_lambda: Float multiplier :math:`\lambda` for applying :math:`L1` regularization to subnetworks' mixture weights :math:`w` in the ensemble proportional to their complexity. See Equation (4) in the AdaNet paper. adanet_beta: Float :math:`L1` regularization multiplier :math:`\beta` to apply equally to all subnetworks' weights :math:`w` in the ensemble regardless of their complexity. See Equation (4) in the AdaNet paper. use_bias: Whether to add a bias term to the ensemble's logits. Returns: An `adanet.ensemble.ComplexityRegularizedEnsembler` instance. Raises: ValueError: if :code:`warm_start_mixture_weights` is :code:`True` but :code:`model_dir` is :code:`None`. """ # pyformat: enable def __init__(self, optimizer=None, mixture_weight_type=MixtureWeightType.SCALAR, mixture_weight_initializer=None, warm_start_mixture_weights=False, model_dir=None, adanet_lambda=0., adanet_beta=0., use_bias=False): if warm_start_mixture_weights: if model_dir is None: raise ValueError("model_dir cannot be None when " "warm_start_mixture_weights is True.") self._optimizer = optimizer self._mixture_weight_type = mixture_weight_type self._mixture_weight_initializer = mixture_weight_initializer self._warm_start_mixture_weights = warm_start_mixture_weights self._model_dir = model_dir self._adanet_lambda = adanet_lambda self._adanet_beta = adanet_beta self._use_bias = use_bias @property def name(self): return "complexity_regularized"
[docs] def build_ensemble(self, subnetworks, previous_ensemble_subnetworks, features, labels, logits_dimension, training, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble): del features, labels, logits_dimension, training, iteration_step # unused weighted_subnetworks = [] subnetwork_index = 0 num_subnetworks = len(subnetworks) if previous_ensemble_subnetworks and previous_ensemble: num_subnetworks += len(previous_ensemble_subnetworks) for weighted_subnetwork in previous_ensemble.weighted_subnetworks: if weighted_subnetwork.subnetwork not in previous_ensemble_subnetworks: # Pruned. continue weight_initializer = None if self._warm_start_mixture_weights: if isinstance(weighted_subnetwork.subnetwork.last_layer, dict): weight_initializer = { key: self._load_variable_from_model_dir( weighted_subnetwork.weight[key]) for key in sorted(weighted_subnetwork.subnetwork.last_layer) } else: weight_initializer = self._load_variable_from_model_dir( weighted_subnetwork.weight) with tf_compat.v1.variable_scope( "weighted_subnetwork_{}".format(subnetwork_index)): weighted_subnetworks.append( self._build_weighted_subnetwork( weighted_subnetwork.subnetwork, num_subnetworks, weight_initializer=weight_initializer)) subnetwork_index += 1 for subnetwork in subnetworks: with tf_compat.v1.variable_scope( "weighted_subnetwork_{}".format(subnetwork_index)): weighted_subnetworks.append( self._build_weighted_subnetwork(subnetwork, num_subnetworks)) subnetwork_index += 1 if previous_ensemble: if len( previous_ensemble.subnetworks) == len(previous_ensemble_subnetworks): bias = self._create_bias_term( weighted_subnetworks, prior=previous_ensemble.bias) else: bias = self._create_bias_term(weighted_subnetworks)"Builders using a pruned set of the subnetworks " "from the previous ensemble, so its ensemble's bias " "term will not be warm started with the previous " "ensemble's bias.") else: bias = self._create_bias_term(weighted_subnetworks) logits = self._create_ensemble_logits(weighted_subnetworks, bias, summary) complexity_regularization = 0 if isinstance(logits, dict): for key in sorted(logits): complexity_regularization += self._compute_complexity_regularization( weighted_subnetworks, summary, key) else: complexity_regularization = self._compute_complexity_regularization( weighted_subnetworks, summary) return ComplexityRegularized( weighted_subnetworks=weighted_subnetworks, bias=bias, subnetworks=[ws.subnetwork for ws in weighted_subnetworks], logits=logits, complexity_regularization=complexity_regularization)
def _load_variable_from_model_dir(self, var): return tf.train.load_variable(self._model_dir, tf_compat.tensor_name(var)) def _compute_adanet_gamma(self, complexity): """For a subnetwork, computes: lambda * r(h) + beta.""" if self._adanet_lambda == 0.: return self._adanet_beta return tf.scalar_mul(self._adanet_lambda, tf.cast(complexity, dtype=tf.float32)) + self._adanet_beta def _select_mixture_weight_initializer(self, num_subnetworks): if self._mixture_weight_initializer: return self._mixture_weight_initializer if (self._mixture_weight_type == MixtureWeightType.SCALAR or self._mixture_weight_type == MixtureWeightType.VECTOR): return tf_compat.v1.constant_initializer(1. / num_subnetworks) return tf_compat.v1.zeros_initializer() def _build_weighted_subnetwork(self, subnetwork, num_subnetworks, weight_initializer=None): """Builds an `adanet.ensemble.WeightedSubnetwork`. Args: subnetwork: The `Subnetwork` to weight. num_subnetworks: The number of subnetworks in the ensemble. weight_initializer: Initializer for the weight variable. Returns: A `WeightedSubnetwork` instance. Raises: ValueError: When the subnetwork's last layer and logits dimension do not match and requiring a SCALAR or VECTOR mixture weight. """ if isinstance(subnetwork.last_layer, dict): logits, weight = {}, {} for i, key in enumerate(sorted(subnetwork.last_layer)): logits[key], weight[key] = self._build_weighted_subnetwork_helper( subnetwork, num_subnetworks, _lookup_if_dict(weight_initializer, key), key, i) else: logits, weight = self._build_weighted_subnetwork_helper( subnetwork, num_subnetworks, weight_initializer) return WeightedSubnetwork( subnetwork=subnetwork, logits=logits, weight=weight) def _build_weighted_subnetwork_helper(self, subnetwork, num_subnetworks, weight_initializer=None, key=None, index=None): """Returns the logits and weight of the `WeightedSubnetwork` for key.""" # Treat subnetworks as if their weights are frozen, and ensure that # mixture weight gradients do not propagate through. last_layer = _lookup_if_dict(subnetwork.last_layer, key) logits = _lookup_if_dict(subnetwork.logits, key) weight_shape = None last_layer_size = last_layer.get_shape().as_list()[-1] logits_size = logits.get_shape().as_list()[-1] batch_size = tf.shape(input=last_layer)[0] if weight_initializer is None: weight_initializer = self._select_mixture_weight_initializer( num_subnetworks) if self._mixture_weight_type == MixtureWeightType.SCALAR: weight_shape = [] if self._mixture_weight_type == MixtureWeightType.VECTOR: weight_shape = [logits_size] if self._mixture_weight_type == MixtureWeightType.MATRIX: weight_shape = [last_layer_size, logits_size] with tf_compat.v1.variable_scope( "logits_{}".format(index) if index else "logits"): weight = tf_compat.v1.get_variable( name="mixture_weight", shape=weight_shape, initializer=weight_initializer) if self._mixture_weight_type == MixtureWeightType.MATRIX: # TODO: Add Unit tests for the ndims == 3 path. ndims = len(last_layer.get_shape().as_list()) if ndims > 3: raise NotImplementedError( "Last Layer with more than 3 dimensions are not supported with " "matrix mixture weights.") # This is reshaping [batch_size, timesteps, emb_dim ] to # [batch_size x timesteps, emb_dim] for matrix multiplication # and reshaping back. if ndims == 3:"Rank 3 tensors like [batch_size, timesteps, d] are " "reshaped to rank 2 [ batch_size x timesteps, d] for " "the weight matrix multiplication, and are reshaped " "to their original shape afterwards.") last_layer = tf.reshape(last_layer, [-1, last_layer_size]) logits = tf.matmul(last_layer, weight) if ndims == 3: logits = tf.reshape(logits, [batch_size, -1, logits_size]) else: logits = tf.multiply(logits, weight) return logits, weight def _create_bias_term(self, weighted_subnetworks, prior=None): """Returns a bias term vector. If `use_bias` is set, then it returns a trainable bias variable initialized to zero, or warm-started with the given prior. Otherwise it returns a non-trainable zero variable. Args: weighted_subnetworks: List of `WeightedSubnetwork` instances that form this ensemble. Ordered from first to most recent. prior: Prior bias term `Tensor` of dict of string to `Tensor` (for multi- head) for warm-starting the bias term variable. Returns: A bias term `Tensor` or dict of string to bias term `Tensor` (for multi- head). """ if not isinstance(weighted_subnetworks[0].subnetwork.logits, dict): return self._create_bias_term_helper(weighted_subnetworks, prior) bias_terms = {} for i, key in enumerate(sorted(weighted_subnetworks[0].subnetwork.logits)): bias_terms[key] = self._create_bias_term_helper(weighted_subnetworks, prior, key, i) return bias_terms def _create_bias_term_helper(self, weighted_subnetworks, prior, key=None, index=None): """Returns a bias term for weights with the given key.""" shape = None if prior is None or not self._warm_start_mixture_weights: prior = tf_compat.v1.zeros_initializer() logits = _lookup_if_dict(weighted_subnetworks[0].subnetwork.logits, key) dims = logits.shape.as_list() shape = dims[-1] if len(dims) > 1 else 1 else: prior = self._load_variable_from_model_dir(_lookup_if_dict(prior, key)) return tf_compat.v1.get_variable( name="bias_{}".format(index) if index else "bias", shape=shape, initializer=prior, trainable=self._use_bias) def _create_ensemble_logits(self, weighted_subnetworks, bias, summary): """Computes the AdaNet weighted ensemble logits. Args: weighted_subnetworks: List of `WeightedSubnetwork` instances that form this ensemble. Ordered from first to most recent. bias: Bias term `Tensor` or dict of string to `Tensor` (for multi-head) for the AdaNet-weighted ensemble logits. summary: A `_ScopedSummary` instance for recording ensemble summaries. Returns: A two-tuple of: 1. Ensemble logits `Tensor` or dict of string to logits `Tensor` (for multi-head). 2. Ensemble complexity regularization """ if not isinstance(weighted_subnetworks[0].subnetwork.logits, dict): return self._create_ensemble_logits_helper(weighted_subnetworks, bias, summary) logits_dict = weighted_subnetworks[0].subnetwork.logits return { key: self._create_ensemble_logits_helper( weighted_subnetworks, bias, summary, key=key, index=i) for i, key in enumerate(sorted(logits_dict)) } def _create_ensemble_logits_helper(self, weighted_subnetworks, bias, summary, key=None, index=None): """Returns the AdaNet ensemble logits and regularization term for key.""" subnetwork_logits = [] for weighted_subnetwork in weighted_subnetworks: subnetwork_logits.append(_lookup_if_dict(weighted_subnetwork.logits, key)) with tf_compat.v1.variable_scope( "logits_{}".format(index) if index else "logits"): ensemble_logits = _lookup_if_dict(bias, key) for logits in subnetwork_logits: ensemble_logits = tf.add(ensemble_logits, logits) return ensemble_logits def _compute_complexity_regularization(self, weighted_subnetworks, summary, key=None): """Returns the AdaNet regularization term contribution for a key.""" ensemble_complexity_regularization = 0 total_weight_l1_norms = 0 weights = [] for weighted_subnetwork in weighted_subnetworks: weight_l1_norm = tf.norm( tensor=_lookup_if_dict(weighted_subnetwork.weight, key), ord=1) total_weight_l1_norms += weight_l1_norm ensemble_complexity_regularization += ( self._compute_complexity_regularization_helper( weight_l1_norm, weighted_subnetwork.subnetwork.complexity)) weights.append(weight_l1_norm) with summary.current_scope(): summary.scalar( "complexity_regularization/adanet/adanet_weighted_ensemble", ensemble_complexity_regularization) summary.histogram("mixture_weights/adanet/adanet_weighted_ensemble", weights) for iteration, weight in enumerate(weights): scope = "adanet/adanet_weighted_ensemble/subnetwork_{}".format( iteration) summary.scalar("mixture_weight_norms/{}".format(scope), weight) fraction = weight / total_weight_l1_norms summary.scalar("mixture_weight_fractions/{}".format(scope), fraction) return ensemble_complexity_regularization def _compute_complexity_regularization_helper(self, weight_l1_norm, complexity): """For a subnetwork, computes: (lambda * r(h) + beta) * |w|.""" # Note: Unsafe comparison against float zero. if self._adanet_lambda == 0. and self._adanet_beta == 0.: return tf.constant(0., name="zero") return tf.scalar_mul(self._compute_adanet_gamma(complexity), weight_l1_norm)
[docs] def build_train_op(self, ensemble, loss, var_list, labels, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble): del labels, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble # unused if self._optimizer is None: return tf.no_op() # The AdaNet Estimator is responsible for incrementing the global step. return self._optimizer.minimize( loss=loss + ensemble.complexity_regularization, var_list=var_list)