Source code for adanet.autoensemble.estimator

"""An estimator that learns to ensemble.

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import inspect

from adanet import tf_compat
from adanet.core import Estimator
from adanet.subnetwork import Builder
from adanet.subnetwork import Generator
from adanet.subnetwork import Subnetwork
from adanet.subnetwork import TrainOpSpec
import tensorflow as tf

# pylint: disable=g-direct-tensorflow-import
from tensorflow.python.estimator.canned import prediction_keys
from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator import estimator as estimator_lib
# pylint: enable=g-direct-tensorflow-import

def _default_logits(estimator_spec):
  if isinstance(estimator_spec.predictions, dict):
    pred_keys = prediction_keys.PredictionKeys
    if pred_keys.LOGITS in estimator_spec.predictions:
      return estimator_spec.predictions[pred_keys.LOGITS]
    if pred_keys.PREDICTIONS in estimator_spec.predictions:
      return estimator_spec.predictions[pred_keys.PREDICTIONS]
  return estimator_spec.predictions

class _SecondaryTrainOpRunnerHook(tf_compat.SessionRunHook):
  """A hook for running a train op separate from the main session run call."""

  def __init__(self, train_op):
    """Initializes a `_SecondaryTrainOpRunnerHook`.

      train_op: The secondary train op to execute before runs.

    self._train_op = train_op

  def before_run(self, run_context):

[docs]class AutoEnsembleSubestimator( collections.namedtuple("AutoEnsembleSubestimator", ["estimator", "train_input_fn"])): """A subestimator to train and consider for ensembling. Args: estimator: A `tf.estimator.Estimator` instance to consider for ensembling. train_input_fn: A function that provides input data for training as minibatches. It can be used to implement ensemble methods like bootstrap aggregating (a.k.a bagging) where each subnetwork trains on different slices of the training data. The function should construct and return one of the following: * A `` object: Outputs of `Dataset` object must be a tuple `(features, labels)` with same constraints as below. NOTE: A Dataset must return *at least* two batches before hitting the end-of-input, otherwise all of training terminates. TODO: Figure out how to handle single-batch datasets. * A tuple `(features, labels)`: Where `features` is a `tf.Tensor` or a dictionary of string feature name to `Tensor` and `labels` is a `Tensor` or a dictionary of string label name to `Tensor`. Both `features` and `labels` are consumed by `estimator#model_fn`. They should satisfy the expectation of `estimator#model_fn` from inputs. Returns: An `AutoEnsembleSubestimator` instance to be auto-ensembled. """ def __new__(cls, estimator, train_input_fn=None): return super(AutoEnsembleSubestimator, cls).__new__(cls, estimator, train_input_fn)
class _BuilderFromSubestimator(Builder): """An `adanet.Builder` from a :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator`.""" def __init__(self, name, subestimator, logits_fn, last_layer_fn, config): self._name = name self._subestimator = subestimator self._logits_fn = logits_fn self._last_layer_fn = last_layer_fn self._config = config @property def name(self): return self._name def _call_model_fn(self, subestimator, features, labels, mode, summary): with summary.current_scope(): model_fn = subestimator.estimator.model_fn estimator_spec = model_fn( features=features, labels=labels, mode=mode, config=self._config) logits = self._logits_fn(estimator_spec=estimator_spec) last_layer = logits if self._last_layer_fn: last_layer = self._last_layer_fn(estimator_spec=estimator_spec) if estimator_spec.scaffold and estimator_spec.scaffold.local_init_op: local_init_op = estimator_spec.scaffold.local_init_op else: local_init_op = None train_op = TrainOpSpec( estimator_spec.train_op, chief_hooks=estimator_spec.training_chief_hooks, hooks=estimator_spec.training_hooks) return logits, last_layer, train_op, local_init_op def build_subnetwork(self, features, labels, logits_dimension, training, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble, config=None): # We don't need an EVAL mode since AdaNet takes care of evaluation for us. mode = tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT if training: mode = tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN # Call in template to ensure that variables are created once and reused. call_model_fn_template = tf.compat.v1.make_template("model_fn", self._call_model_fn) subestimator_features, subestimator_labels = features, labels local_init_ops = [] subestimator = self._subestimator(config) if training and subestimator.train_input_fn: # TODO: Consider tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/ inputs = subestimator.train_input_fn() if isinstance(inputs, (tf_compat.DatasetV1, tf_compat.DatasetV2)): subestimator_features, subestimator_labels = ( tf_compat.make_one_shot_iterator(inputs).get_next()) else: subestimator_features, subestimator_labels = inputs # Construct subnetwork graph first because of dependencies on scope. _, _, bagging_train_op_spec, sub_local_init_op = call_model_fn_template( subestimator, subestimator_features, subestimator_labels, mode, summary) # Graph for ensemble learning gets model_fn_1 for scope. logits, last_layer, _, ensemble_local_init_op = call_model_fn_template( subestimator, features, labels, mode, summary) if sub_local_init_op: local_init_ops.append(sub_local_init_op) if ensemble_local_init_op: local_init_ops.append(ensemble_local_init_op) # Run train op in a hook so that exceptions can be intercepted by the # AdaNet framework instead of the Estimator's monitored training session. hooks = bagging_train_op_spec.hooks + (_SecondaryTrainOpRunnerHook( bagging_train_op_spec.train_op),) train_op_spec = TrainOpSpec( train_op=tf.no_op(), chief_hooks=bagging_train_op_spec.chief_hooks, hooks=hooks) else: logits, last_layer, train_op_spec, local_init_op = call_model_fn_template( subestimator, features, labels, mode, summary) if local_init_op: local_init_ops.append(local_init_op) # TODO: Replace with variance complexity measure. complexity = tf.constant(0.) return Subnetwork( logits=logits, last_layer=last_layer, shared={"train_op": train_op_spec}, complexity=complexity, local_init_ops=local_init_ops) def build_subnetwork_train_op(self, subnetwork, loss, var_list, labels, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble): return subnetwork.shared["train_op"] def _convert_to_subestimator(candidate): if callable(candidate): return candidate if isinstance(candidate, AutoEnsembleSubestimator): return lambda config: candidate if isinstance(candidate, (estimator_lib.Estimator, estimator_lib.EstimatorV2)): return lambda config: AutoEnsembleSubestimator(candidate) raise ValueError( "subestimator in candidate_pool must have type tf.estimator.Estimator or " "adanet.AutoEnsembleSubestimator but got {}".format(candidate.__class__)) class _GeneratorFromCandidatePool(Generator): """An `adanet.Generator` from a pool of `Estimator` and `Model` instances.""" def __init__(self, candidate_pool, logits_fn, last_layer_fn): self._candidate_pool = candidate_pool if logits_fn is None: logits_fn = _default_logits self._logits_fn = logits_fn self._last_layer_fn = last_layer_fn def generate_candidates(self, previous_ensemble, iteration_number, previous_ensemble_reports, all_reports, config): assert config builders = [] candidate_pool = self._maybe_call_candidate_pool(config, iteration_number) if isinstance(candidate_pool, dict): for name in sorted(candidate_pool): builders.append( _BuilderFromSubestimator( name, _convert_to_subestimator(candidate_pool[name]), logits_fn=self._logits_fn, last_layer_fn=self._last_layer_fn, config=config)) return builders for i, estimator in enumerate(candidate_pool): name = "{class_name}{index}".format( class_name=estimator.__class__.__name__, index=i) builders.append( _BuilderFromSubestimator( name, _convert_to_subestimator(estimator), logits_fn=self._logits_fn, last_layer_fn=self._last_layer_fn, config=config)) return builders def _maybe_call_candidate_pool(self, config, iteration_number): if callable(self._candidate_pool): # candidate_pool can be a function. if "iteration_number" in inspect.getargspec(self._candidate_pool).args: # TODO: Make the "config" argument optional using introspection. return self._candidate_pool( config=config, iteration_number=iteration_number) else: return self._candidate_pool(config=config) return self._candidate_pool
[docs]class AutoEnsembleEstimator(Estimator): # pyformat: disable """A :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` that learns to ensemble models. Specifically, it learns to ensemble models from a candidate pool using the Adanet algorithm. .. code-block:: python # A simple example of learning to ensemble linear and neural network # models. import adanet import tensorflow as tf feature_columns = ... head = MultiClassHead(n_classes=10) # Learn to ensemble linear and DNN models. estimator = adanet.AutoEnsembleEstimator( head=head, candidate_pool=lambda config: { "linear": tf.estimator.LinearEstimator( head=head, feature_columns=feature_columns, config=config, optimizer=...), "dnn": tf.estimator.DNNEstimator( head=head, feature_columns=feature_columns, config=config, optimizer=..., hidden_units=[1000, 500, 100])}, max_iteration_steps=50) # Input builders def input_fn_train: # Returns of (x, y) tuple where y represents label's # class index. pass def input_fn_eval: # Returns of (x, y) tuple where y represents label's # class index. pass def input_fn_predict: # Returns of (x, None) tuple. pass estimator.train(input_fn=input_fn_train, steps=100) metrics = estimator.evaluate(input_fn=input_fn_eval, steps=10) predictions = estimator.predict(input_fn=input_fn_predict) Or to train candidate subestimators on different training data subsets: .. code-block:: python train_data_files = [...] # Learn to ensemble linear and DNN models. estimator = adanet.AutoEnsembleEstimator( head=head, candidate_pool=lambda config: { "linear": adanet.AutoEnsembleSubestimator( tf.estimator.LinearEstimator( head=head, feature_columns=feature_columns, config=config, optimizer=...), make_train_input_fn(train_data_files[:-1])), "dnn": adanet.AutoEnsembleSubestimator( tf.estimator.DNNEstimator( head=head, feature_columns=feature_columns, config=config, optimizer=..., hidden_units=[1000, 500, 100]), make_train_input_fn(train_data_files[0:]))}, max_iteration_steps=50) estimator.train(input_fn=make_train_input_fn(train_data_files), steps=100) Args: head: A :class:`tf.contrib.estimator.Head` instance for computing loss and evaluation metrics for every candidate. candidate_pool: List of :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` and :class:`AutoEnsembleSubestimator` objects, or dict of string name to :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` and :class:`AutoEnsembleSubestimator` objects that are candidate subestimators to ensemble at each iteration. The order does not directly affect which candidates will be included in the final ensemble, but will affect the name of the candidate. When using a dict, the string key becomes the candidate subestimator's name. Alternatively, this argument can be a function that takes a `config` argument and returns the aforementioned values in case the objects need to be re-instantiated at each adanet iteration. max_iteration_steps: Total number of steps for which to train candidates per iteration. If `OutOfRange` or `StopIteration` occurs in the middle, training stops before `max_iteration_steps` steps. logits_fn: A function for fetching the subnetwork logits from a :class:`tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec`, which should obey the following signature: - `Args`: Can only have following argument: - estimator_spec: The candidate's :class:`tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec`. - `Returns`: Logits :class:`tf.Tensor` or dict of string to logits :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head) for the candidate subnetwork extracted from the given `estimator_spec`. When `None`, it will default to returning `estimator_spec.predictions` when they are a :class:`tf.Tensor` or the :class:`tf.Tensor` for the key 'logits' when they are a dict of string to :class:`tf.Tensor`. last_layer_fn: An optional function for fetching the subnetwork last_layer from a :class:`tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec`, which should obey the following signature: - `Args`: Can only have following argument: - estimator_spec: The candidate's :class:`tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec`. - `Returns`: Last layer :class:`tf.Tensor` or dict of string to last layer :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head) for the candidate subnetwork extracted from the given `estimator_spec`. The last_layer can be used for learning ensembles or exporting them as embeddings. When `None`, it will default to using the logits as the last_layer. ensemblers: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. ensemble_strategies: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. evaluator: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. metric_fn: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. force_grow: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. adanet_loss_decay: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. worker_wait_timeout_secs: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. model_dir: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. config: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. debug: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. enable_ensemble_summaries: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. enable_subnetwork_summaries: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. global_step_combiner_fn: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. max_iterations: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. replay_config: See :class:`adanet.Estimator`. **kwargs: Extra keyword args passed to the parent. Returns: An :class:`adanet.AutoEnsembleEstimator` instance. Raises: ValueError: If any of the candidates in `candidate_pool` are not :class:`tf.estimator.Estimator` instances. """ # pyformat: enable def __init__(self, head, candidate_pool, max_iteration_steps, ensemblers=None, ensemble_strategies=None, logits_fn=None, last_layer_fn=None, evaluator=None, metric_fn=None, force_grow=False, adanet_loss_decay=.9, worker_wait_timeout_secs=7200, model_dir=None, config=None, debug=False, enable_ensemble_summaries=True, enable_subnetwork_summaries=True, global_step_combiner_fn=tf.math.reduce_mean, max_iterations=None, replay_config=None, **kwargs): subnetwork_generator = _GeneratorFromCandidatePool(candidate_pool, logits_fn, last_layer_fn) super(AutoEnsembleEstimator, self).__init__( head=head, subnetwork_generator=subnetwork_generator, max_iteration_steps=max_iteration_steps, ensemblers=ensemblers, ensemble_strategies=ensemble_strategies, evaluator=evaluator, metric_fn=metric_fn, force_grow=force_grow, adanet_loss_decay=adanet_loss_decay, worker_wait_timeout_secs=worker_wait_timeout_secs, model_dir=model_dir, config=config, debug=debug, enable_ensemble_summaries=enable_ensemble_summaries, enable_subnetwork_summaries=enable_subnetwork_summaries, global_step_combiner_fn=global_step_combiner_fn, max_iterations=max_iterations, replay_config=replay_config, **kwargs)