Source code for adanet.ensemble.mean

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"""Adanet implementation for an ensembler for the mean of subnetwork logits."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections

from adanet.ensemble.ensembler import Ensemble
from adanet.ensemble.ensembler import Ensembler
import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class MeanEnsemble( collections.namedtuple('MeanEnsemble', ['logits', 'subnetworks', 'predictions']), Ensemble): r"""Mean ensemble. Attributes: logits: Logits :class:`tf.Tensor` or dict of string to logits :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head). subnetworks: List of :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Subnetwork` instances that form this ensemble. predictions: Optional dict mapping prediction keys to Tensors. MeanEnsembler can export mean_last_layer if the subnetworks have the last_layer of the same dimension. """ # Key in predictions and export_outputs for mean of last_layer. MEAN_LAST_LAYER = 'mean_last_layer' def __new__(cls, logits, subnetworks=None, predictions=None): return super(MeanEnsemble, cls).__new__( cls, logits=logits, subnetworks=list(subnetworks or []), predictions=predictions)
[docs]class MeanEnsembler(Ensembler): # pyformat: disable r"""Ensembler that takes the mean of logits returned by its subnetworks. Attributes: name: Optional name for the ensembler. Defaults to 'complexity_regularized'. add_mean_last_layer_predictions: Set to True to add mean of last_layer in subnetworks in estimator's predictions and export outputs. """ # pyformat: enable def __init__(self, name=None, add_mean_last_layer_predictions=False): self._name = name self._add_mean_last_layer_predictions = add_mean_last_layer_predictions @property def name(self): if self._name: return self._name return 'mean' def _assert_last_layer_compatible_shapes(self, tensors): if not tensors: return True first_shape = tensors[0].shape for tensor in tensors: try: first_shape.assert_is_compatible_with(tensor.shape) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Shape of `last_layer` tensors must be same if setting ' '`add_mean_last_layer_predictions` to True. Found %s vs %s.' % (first_shape, tensor.shape)) return True
[docs] def build_ensemble(self, subnetworks, previous_ensemble_subnetworks, features, labels, logits_dimension, training, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble): del features, labels, logits_dimension, training, iteration_step # unused del previous_ensemble_subnetworks # unused if isinstance(subnetworks[0].logits, dict): mean_logits = { key: tf.math.reduce_mean( tf.stack([s.logits[key] for s in subnetworks]), axis=0) for key in subnetworks[0].logits } else: mean_logits = tf.math.reduce_mean( tf.stack([s.logits for s in subnetworks]), axis=0) mean_last_layer = None if self._add_mean_last_layer_predictions: mean_last_layer = {} if isinstance(subnetworks[0].last_layer, dict): for key in subnetworks[0].logits: last_layers = [s.last_layer[key] for s in subnetworks] self._assert_last_layer_compatible_shapes(last_layers) mean_last_layer['{}_{}'.format(MeanEnsemble.MEAN_LAST_LAYER, key)] = tf.math.reduce_mean( tf.stack(last_layers), axis=0) else: last_layers = [subnetwork.last_layer for subnetwork in subnetworks] self._assert_last_layer_compatible_shapes(last_layers) mean_last_layer = { MeanEnsemble.MEAN_LAST_LAYER: tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.stack(last_layers), axis=0) } return MeanEnsemble( subnetworks=subnetworks, logits=mean_logits, predictions=mean_last_layer)
[docs] def build_train_op(self, ensemble, loss, var_list, labels, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble): del ensemble, loss, var_list, labels, iteration_step, summary # unused del previous_ensemble # unused return tf.no_op()