Source code for adanet.ensemble.ensembler

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"""Ensembler definitions."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import abc
import collections

import six

[docs]class TrainOpSpec( collections.namedtuple("TrainOpSpec", ["train_op", "chief_hooks", "hooks"])): """A data structure for specifying ensembler training operations. Args: train_op: Op for the training step. chief_hooks: Iterable of :class:`tf.train.SessionRunHook` objects to run on the chief worker during training. hooks: Iterable of :class:`tf.train.SessionRunHook` objects to run on all workers during training. Returns: An :class:`adanet.ensemble.TrainOpSpec` object. """ def __new__(cls, train_op, chief_hooks=None, hooks=None): # Make hooks immutable. chief_hooks = tuple(chief_hooks) if chief_hooks else () hooks = tuple(hooks) if hooks else () return super(TrainOpSpec, cls).__new__(cls, train_op, chief_hooks, hooks)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Ensemble(object): """An abstract ensemble of subnetworks.""" @abc.abstractproperty def logits(self): """Ensemble logits :class:`tf.Tensor`.""" @abc.abstractproperty def subnetworks(self): """Returns an ordered :class:`Iterable` of the ensemble's subnetworks.""" @property def predictions(self): """Optional dict of Ensemble predictions to be merged in EstimatorSpec. These will be additional (over the default included by the head) predictions which will be included in the EstimatorSpec in `predictions` and `export_outputs` (wrapped as PredictOutput). """ return None
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Ensembler(object): """An abstract ensembler.""" @abc.abstractproperty def name(self): """This ensembler's unique string name."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def build_ensemble(self, subnetworks, previous_ensemble_subnetworks, features, labels, logits_dimension, training, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble, previous_iteration_checkpoint): # pyformat: disable """Builds an ensemble of subnetworks. Accessing the global step via :meth:`tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()` or :meth:`tf.train.get_global_step()` within this scope will return an incrementable iteration step since the beginning of the iteration. Args: subnetworks: Ordered iterable of :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Subnetwork` instances to ensemble. Must have at least one element. previous_ensemble_subnetworks: Ordered iterable of :class:`adanet.subnetwork.Subnetwork` instances present in previous ensemble to be used. The subnetworks from previous_ensemble not included in this list should be pruned. Can be set to None or empty. features: Input :code:`dict` of :class:`tf.Tensor` objects. labels: Labels :class:`tf.Tensor` or a dictionary of string label name to :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head). Can be :code:`None`. logits_dimension: Size of the last dimension of the logits :class:`tf.Tensor`. Typically, logits have for shape `[batch_size, logits_dimension]`. training: A python boolean indicating whether the graph is in training mode or prediction mode. iteration_step: Integer :class:`tf.Tensor` representing the step since the beginning of the current iteration, as opposed to the global step. summary: An :class:`adanet.Summary` for scoping summaries to individual ensembles in Tensorboard. Using :meth:`tf.summary` within this scope will use this :class:`adanet.Summary` under the hood. previous_ensemble: The best :class:`adanet.Ensemble` from iteration *t-1*. The created subnetwork will extend the previous ensemble to form the :class:`adanet.Ensemble` at iteration *t*. previous_iteration_checkpoint: The `tf.train.Checkpoint` object associated with the previous iteration. Returns: An :class:`adanet.ensemble.Ensemble` subclass instance. """
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[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def build_train_op(self, ensemble, loss, var_list, labels, iteration_step, summary, previous_ensemble): # pyformat: disable """Returns an op for training an ensemble. Accessing the global step via :meth:`tf.train.get_or_create_global_step` or :meth:`tf.train.get_global_step` within this scope will return an incrementable iteration step since the beginning of the iteration. Args: ensemble: The :class:`adanet.ensemble.Ensemble` subclass instance returned by this instance's :meth:`build_ensemble`. loss: A :class:`tf.Tensor` containing the ensemble's loss to minimize. var_list: List of ensemble :class:`tf.Variable` parameters to update as part of the training operation. labels: Labels :class:`tf.Tensor` or a dictionary of string label name to :class:`tf.Tensor` (for multi-head). iteration_step: Integer :class:`tf.Tensor` representing the step since the beginning of the current iteration, as opposed to the global step. summary: An :class:`adanet.Summary` for scoping summaries to individual ensembles in Tensorboard. Using :code:`tf.summary` within this scope will use this :class:`adanet.Summary` under the hood. previous_ensemble: The best :class:`adanet.ensemble.Ensemble` from the previous iteration. Returns: Either a train op or an :class:`adanet.ensemble.TrainOpSpec`. """
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