
Neural networks are ensembles

Ensembles of neural networks have shown remarkable performance in domains such as natural language processing, image recognition, and many others. The two composing techniques are interesting in their own rights: ensemble techniques have a rich history and theoretical understanding, while neural networks provide a general framework for solving complex tasks across many domains at scale.

Coincidentally, an ensemble of neural networks whose outputs are linearly combined is also a neural network. With that definition in mind, we seek to answer the question: Can we learn a neural network architecture as an ensemble of subnetworks? And can we adaptively learn such an ensemble with fewer trainable parameters and that performs better than any single neural network trained end-to-end?

The AdaNet algorithm

The AdaNet algorithm works as follows: a generator iteratively creates a set of candidate base learners to consider including in the final ensemble. How these base learners are trained is left completely up to the user, but generally they are trained to optimize some common loss function such as cross-entropy loss or mean squared error. At every iteration, the trained base learners then evaluated on their ability to minimize the AdaNet objective $F$, and the best one is included in the final ensemble.

$$\begin{aligned} &F\left ( w \right ) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \Phi \left (\sum_{j=0}^{N-1}w_jh_j(x_i), y_i \right ) + \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} \left (\lambda r(h_j) + \beta \right )\left | w_j \right |\ &\text{where }w_j \text{ is the weight of model } j \text{’s contribution to the ensemble,}\ &h_j \text{ is model } j,\ &\Phi \text{ is the loss function,}\ &r(h_j) \text{ is model } j\text{’s complexity, and}\ &\lambda \text{ and } \beta \text{ are tunable hyperparameters.} \end{aligned}$$

For every iteration after the first, the generator can generate neural networks based on the current state of the ensemble. This allows AdaNet to create complex structures or use advanced techniques for training candidates so that they will most significantly improve the ensemble. For an optimization example, knowledge distillation [Hinton et al., ‘15] is a technique that uses a teacher network’s logits as the ground-truth when computing the loss of a trainable student network, and is shown to produce students that perform better than a identical network trained without. At every iteration, we can use the current ensemble as a teacher network and the candidates as students, to obtain base learners that perform better, and significantly improve the performance of the final ensemble.